Ziyuan Chen 陈梓源

Research Interests




Category Capability
Courses Taken ECE 385 Digital Systems Laboratory
ECE 391 Computer Systems Engineering
ECE 408 Parallel Programming
ECE 411 Computer Organization & Design
ECE 438 Computer Networks
ECE 449 Machine Learning
ECE 459 Communications Systems
Programming python pytorch pandas c cpp cuda bash systemverilog x86 matlab
Developer Tools linux ubuntu cmake git github gitlab anaconda vscode qemu quartus virtualbox latex jekyll synopsys
Languages Mandarin (Native speaker)
English (
TOEFL 112 / 120 = R30 + L30 + S25 + W27
GRE   333 / 340 = V163 + M170 + W4.0
CET6  668 / 710 = L238 + R242 + W188 )


Competition Prizes

Honors and Awards

Let it be code or music, do it like you never did before.